Friday, May 08, 2020

Lockdown day 46 - I amaze myself!

Ask Grace; I'm never short of something to say about... pretty much anything and everything. She may also add that what I say isn't always worth listening to and/or should have been thought through first. She might be right. She often is.

Today, however, I'm sitting in front of my laptop, Blogger open, and I can't find anything to say. Nothing to say! (apart from this) I am amazed. (I'm easily amazed) I haven't asked Grace for her thoughts on the matter.

I blame the lockdown.

So, photos only today. Mostly swans. People are scarce here. Water, boats and sky abound.

Note to self: sew patch on knee of jeans Nah!


  1. Holey jeans are cool!!

  2. Every picture tells a story, Roger, so in that sense, you have plenty to say. Holey jeans? Only if they're genuinely old and well worn. That means affection resides in those holes.

    1. They are very old and oft worn, Val, and the object of much love. To fix the holes would be an insult! :-D


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