Thursday, March 18, 2021

Nothing doing, save hoping and waiting

Nothing boaty's been happening since my last post. It may be that we're a month away from being allowed back on Kantara. Maybe. Sales of my boaty books have suddenly risen again after months of unusual inactivity, though I've been told that that's been the experience of Kindle authors generally. If you don't know about my books ("He writes books, too? What a wonder!" I hear you say. 😄 ) here's a plug for them.

They're all to be found here on Kindle books, to be read on a Kindle reader, or with the free Kindle app on other devices. Three of them have been Kindle best-sellers - the other two are awaiting the pleasure. Among others, "Towpath Talk", the UK's leading canal newspaper has published very positive, enthusiastic reviews.

So we wait for our government to announce that we can return to life on the canals. In the meantime, these are the pictures I've posted on Facebook over the past month.


  1. Lovely books, lovely photos, Roger. I need to read Out of the Sunrise again. It would do me so much good at the moment. My favourite of your books, I must say, but all the boaty ones are lovely!

  2. Thank you, Val, you're most kind. I hope the re-read's a good one!


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