Sunday, June 20, 2021

Landlubbers making the most of it

 Grace has finished the cratch board now, progressing from painting on the trellis...

…to  adding the leaves, and finally the rose buds and open flowers. It looks lovely! (The white marks on the windows are reflections of light through the trees behind me, not bird poo!) Now all she needs is a dry enough day to varnish it.

On Wednesday, desperate for a change of scenery, we visited Upton House again. We've been National Trust members since our first holiday together in 1974, and entrance to NT properties is free to us, so visits can be fairly casual and as frequent as we want. We've been to this one four times now in eight years. It's a lovely place to relax, enjoy the house or gardens - or both - have a picnic, soak up the sun and take in the views, and it was a great blessing to us yesterday.

The weather the next day was very wet, so the cratch board remains unvarnished.


  1. Tell Grace from me that her work is beautiful, Roger! I love it. Upton house looks gorgeous. What a lovely day out and amazing you've been NT members since 1974!


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