Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Don't you just love it?

Don't you just love Google? Don't all shout at once. Personally, I've been using so many of their products for so many years that deciding not to be a Googlite would be very inconvenient.  I was sorely tempted the other day, though.

I wanted to post here on the blog but, for reasons I could neither fathom myself nor discover from the web, Blogger simply wouldn't work. I gave Google the benefit of the considerable doubt, and waited a few days to let them discover the problem and fix it. The few days later, there was no improvement. I spent less than two minutes deciding that, though I would very much like to be shot of them, I valued my sanity too much; sanity which was very likely to be compromised if I actually tried dumping them..

Then it occurred to me that, at the very heart of all of the Google products I use - GMail, Blogger, Maps, YouTube, Drive, Calendar, Photos, Keep, Slides, Translate, Earth and Meet - is Chrome, their browser.

I installed Opera, Blogger worked! Just like that!

How is it, then, one may ask, that Google Blogger doesn't work with Google Chrome, but works with someone else's browser?

Rant over. Sorry about that. I only came here to wish you all the very best possible Christmas, and the same for the new year! I got distracted. Apologies for letting off steam on you.

It's entirely possible that some of you might be forced to spend Christmas alone, and that's really not a happy prospect. I'd hate it with a loathing, I'm sure. So I hope that this will help. It's a list of tips on how to make the most of being alone over Christmas, written by someone who has a lot of experience of that... (@MittenDAmour on Twitter)

If you are suddenly facing Christmas alone, I have tips. I LOVE Christmas alone, so get on board.
Food: What would you ideally like to eat if no-one could limit you or judge you? Nothing but pigs in blankets? Just cake? Pot Noodle? Get that! I’m having cheese and crackers.
Drink: Same goes – what would be a decadent treat? Endless cups of strong tea? Babycham? A robust red? Get it, you’re worth it. If you know booze makes you cry either limit it or buy extra tissues. No judgment.
Activities: Make a plan, don’t leave it to the day and find yourself lost. Doesn’t have to be a rigorous agenda but ‘wake up whenever, hot buttery toast and tea for breakfast, bubble bath, watch films, go for walk’ will give you a structure to enjoy.
Company: Many people can feel rotten lonely in a house full of relatives. Remember that. Even people in bustling houses can be miserable. Arrange to make call one or two people, just to say Merry Christmas and hear about how they dropped the turkey or what they’re watching on TV
Decorations: Do it! Get some decorations up – it makes a huge difference and shows that YOU are taking control of this fate, plus twinkly lights and bright things are cheering. I like to put on Christmas music and pour a hot mulled wine while I put mine up.
Gifts: If you have gifts to open maybe you’d like to arrange to do that at the same time as a friend over video chat. If you don’t have gifts please consider a spot of self-gifting and YES, wrap them up so you can open them on the day. Hard recommend on this one.
And lastly... hold on to the fact it is just 24 hours and doesn’t have to *be* anything. Even if you spend it sobbing, it will not last forever, it ends. Be gentle to yourself, make your own rules, turn it into your ideal lazy selfish Sunday. I learnt to lean into it and love it.
Oh and by the way, going outside for a stroll on Christmas Day is also a strong recommendation. Cheery cries of “Merry Christmas” exchanged with strangers and their dogs is an absolute tonic.
Own it, make it selfish and decadent. You deserve it, and I hope you enjoy it.

So, from Grace and me...



  1. What a lovely post, Roger! Apart from your frustrations with Blogger of course. Funnily enough, it will ONLY work well on Chrome for me. Being an Apple person, my default browser is Safari...well, forget it with Blogger. In fact, almost everything I use works well on Chrome and not on other browsers...go figure! Anyway, I love the tips for spending Christmas alone. I almost want to try it after reading these. Have a lovely day with all your family and thanks for the blogging friendship over the past year. I feel like reading your book again, just because it suits the mood now :)

  2. Thanks, Val. Best wishes to you both for a happy, healthy Christmas, and 2021. I look forward to your post-holiday blog post. Stay safe.


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