Friday, August 09, 2019


After several more days at S & K's house - sanding, washing, emptying the loft of loads of scrap wood and cutting back roses, we've bounced back again. Wednesday was the travel day. Thursday was shopping. Then we went to Coventry. We weren't sent, but now I know why, when we are offended by people, we might "send them to Coventry".

I HATE Coventry. Loathe the place. We've had the misfortune to have been there of necessity three times since we've been on Kantara, and it doesn't get any better. Traffic is thick and fast, signage confusing, even contradictory, and road markings likewise. The whole experience wasn't made any better by TomTom's verbal instructions not corresponding all of the time with her display, nor with the road signs, nor with Grace, who had her own idea of how things should be. One crossroads was totally devoid of stop lines, traffic lights or any other official device to stop pileups. Honestly! I was very grateful to those who were behind me. Not only did they not hoot, swear or give me the finger when I cut them up, changed lane dramatically or slowed down unexpectedly, but they also failed to drive into the back of me. Coventry's not all bad.

We went to this awful place to buy one bottle of  liquid paraffin aka mineral oil aka SKYDD . Time was, you could nip into the nearest Boots and buy liquid paraffin from the counter. Not any more. Pharmacies just don't stock it. Ikea does. But they call it SKYDD.

So what did we want it for? you may ask. Constipation? Skin irritation? Lamp fuel? Cleansing my hands? Nope. It's the recommended oiling agent for wooden chopping boards. Grace had recently sanded all four of ours (yes, I know, four) and we need them (all) to be usable on the boat. Thank you, Ikea. It was an adventure.

It rained last night. Quite a lot. And it's very windy this morning, though dry now. Michelle arrives tomorrow for a week's cruise. 40mph winds expected. Hmmm.

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