Saturday, April 09, 2022

As soon as the weather improves...

After what seemed like weeks of bad weather (to put it mildly - pardon the pun) I told Grace that on the very next day to be (1) dry, (2) sunny and (3) nothing worse than a little breezy, we'd go to Coton Manor Gardens. That day was yesterday.

The gardens are just a few miles from the marina. The manor house was closed to visitors, but we simply wanted to indulge in a leisurely awe walk. And it was awesome!



  1. Super photos, Roger! What a beautiful place. I was reminded last weekend of how beautiful England is as I was there fore a few days with my family. Altogether gorgeous! Good luck with your cruising preparations!

    1. Thanks, Val. You're right, we Brits are privileged to enjoy so much beauty across the land. Grace and I just can't get enough of it.


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