Tuesday, September 08, 2020

If the level gets to 100%, will we have to swim?

It's been warm and very wet outside, and equally warm inside, with the hygrometer showing the water content of the air as 82%! If the level gets to 100%, will we have to swim? 

What's 100% humidity like? I don't think I want to find out. This little guy knows full well.

When I have nothing to say, I turn to photos to tell their own part of  our story.

Mum and Dad swan are preparing their offspring to fend for themselves, and the family are to be seen often now with adults and juveniles some distance apart. Though here, they're quite close.

The parents took no action, in fact pretty much ignored the one on the right, when it hissed and spat at me for walking too close.

I end on a cloudy note. Clouds play a huge part in our story.


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