Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Visitors (real time)

Earlier this year, I wrote about my reintroduction to Facebook by a group of students from the second school I taught in. And it's been good fun to be in contact with them since, to know what they're doing, where they live, what their hopes and plans are. Many of them are interested in Kantara and our life on the canals. Lots have bought my book

One of them showed a particular interest, though, and asked if she might visit, bringing her two sons with her, to show them a different kind of lifestyle from the one they knew, to open their minds to other possibilities. All part of her teaching them about life in all its shapes and sizes. So on Sunday, along came Erini, with Tommy (aged 6) and Gabriel (4).

It was lovely to see Erini again, some 30 years since we saw each other last, and to meet her boys. We had a great day together. The weather was kind, and we drove out to bridge 27 for a canalside lunch (to which Erini contributed some wonderful home-made flaounes), turned beyond bridge 28, and returned for tea and cake. A journey of about four hours.
Erini spent some time at the helm under Grace's tutelage, and the boys wore me out with their questions and boundless energy. It was a great day, and we thank the three of them for making it special for us.

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